This morning, I read the following in my RV Travel magazine:
“Swim fins were invented by Benjamin Franklin. They were wooden flippers he wore on his feet when swimming. He had earlier devised lily pad-shaped wooden palettes to wear on his hands.”
This was a real surprise to me although I did know that Ben Franklin was quite an inventor. Did you know that he invented the Franklin stove? He had been concerned about the number of women who suffered death/damage because they had to cook (in their long dresses) at an open fireplace and their long skirts would often catch fire.
And, of course, all of us who are old enough to remember the Disney film Ben and Me probably remember that Ben also invented bifocals among a number of other things Amos the mouse, narrator of the story, talked about.
During the last several weeks, Glenn Beck has been talking about Founding Fathers on his Friday (5 pm Eastern) program on Fox News Network, although he has not yet had a program devoted to Ben Franklin. He’s covered Samuel Adams, George Washington and George Whitefield. Yesterday, he talked about a number of BLACK Founding Fathers. Yes, “BLACK” Founding Fathers. You can see part of this show at:
I’d never heard anything regarding black people involved in the American Revolution and I would bet you hadn’t either.
Did you know that the night of Paul Revere’s Midnight Ride, another of the riders, who happened to be black, also rode out to warn that the British were coming. Yes, his name was Israel Bissell and he rode farther and longer (four days and six hours covering 345 miles) than Paul Revere, but most people have never even heard of him. Know why? His name didn’t rhyme with “hear,” as in “Listen my children and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,” from that famous poem by Wordsworth.
Another black founder, James Armistead, who worked with Marquis de Lafayette and as a double spy for the Americans, was instrumental in the Americans winning the Revolutionary War.
Joseph Hayne Rainey, a former slave and the first black Speaker of the House (did you even know there had ever been a black Speaker of the House?), was elected to that office in April, 1874.
Re: Glenn Beck, I recommended the following links on facebook and hope you will take the time to read these articles by Robert Ringer:
Isn’t it too bad that we don’t know much about our founding fathers and that much of what we have been taught is revisionist history? Progressives wanted to take God out of our schools and they have done that. They wanted people to NOT know about the founding our of country. They’ve pretty nearly succeeded in that. They want as many people dependent on the government as possible, because dependence on the government makes it easier for them to control us.
Let’s get rid of progressivism in this country. Let’s learn the true history of this country and restore it to the representative republic the founders designed. EQUAL justice, not SOCIAL justice.
Speaking of social justice, I checked some of the church websites for references to social justice. This concept, which sounds like a good thing, is not. I found it referenced positively at the United Methodist Church website, the Church of the Nazarene website and even the Southern Baptist website.
According to Wikipedia:
“Social justice is also a concept that some use to describe the movement towards a socially just world. In this context, social justice is based on the concepts of human rights and equality and involves a greater degree of economic egalitarianism through progressive taxation, income redistribution, or even property redistribution. These policies aim to achieve what developmental economists refer to as more equality of opportunity than may currently exist in some societies, and to manufacture equality of outcome in cases where incidental inequalities appear in a procedurally just system.”
This is a political system that thinks health care is a right, that everyone should have it whether they want it or not. They’re prepared to fine you or put you in jail if you don’t comply. They’re using the IRS to enforce it.
Which do you think is better: you decide what you do with your money or the government decides how to spend your money. Social justice involves the government taking your money and giving it to people whom leaders decide deserve it or need it. Equal justice gives YOU the right to decide where to put your money.
Can the government decide how to spend your money better than you? They’ve done such a bang-up job on the economy and on GM (Government Motors) and the post office and Medicare and Social Security and on and on. If they pass this latest financial regulations bill, they will control about 60% of our economy. Things sure are not looking up, are they?
Think about it.
On a Much Lighter Note…
Today, I went to see the movie Letters to Juliet. It was the epitome of a chick flick, but very entertaining. Starring Amanda Seyfried and Vanessa Redgrave, it mostly took place in Verona where people leave letters to Juliet of Romeo and Juliet fame. If you get a chance, it’s well worth the time and money.
Until next time…
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