Saturday, January 29, 2011

What An Exciting Day

Up at a little after 4 this morning, I started my day doing dishes and making another pot of Spanish Rice, this time using half ground pork and half ground beef. I also added 3 Jalapeno peppers, but still cannot taste any of the heat or Jalapeno flavor. Next time it will be 4 of them. Incidentally, I’m still using Jalapeno peppers I grew last year and froze. They’re much easier to work with when frozen and last for a couple of years in the freezer.

I think I may have to boil the rice a little longer from now on. My cousin uses white rice which cooks in about a third of the time of brown rice. Since all I have or will use is brown rice, my rice tends to be a little al dente. In any case, I still enjoy it.

Richard made a big pot of goulash yesterday and gave me a container of it this morning when I went over to do my laundry – that was the really exciting part of my day.

I also swept out my truck. The floor under the driver (that would be me) was rife with grass and junk tracked in from the lawn by the camper. What a mess! But I got it all cleaned up. I also installed a camo Ford license plate on the front instead of the free advertising for Jarrett-Scott Ford. I hope they can use the old plate. It seems a shame to throw it away.

Prompt: The end of the day

The end of the day is a time for reflection:

  • Did I complete everything I planned to get done, i.e., are the items on my list of three crossed off?
  • Could I have done anything better?
  • What three main tasks do I want to accomplish tomorrow and did I write them down?
  • What have I learned/relearned today?
  • Did I post my blog?

The end of the day is a time for prayer and praise:

  • Did I thank Him for reaching out to me, for dying for me, for saving me?
  • Did I thank God for all of His kindness, His mercy and His grace?
  • Did I thank Him for answered prayer?
  • What special needs did I hear about today that I need to pray for?
  • Did I mention each of my family and friends in prayer?
  • Did I pray for my country and its leaders?
  • Did I recognize burdens I am trying to carry myself and turn them over to God?

The end of the day is a time for relaxation and rest:

  • Did I overdo things today (I find this is almost never a problem)?
  • Am I going to bed at a reasonable time?
  • Is there any problem keeping me awake? If so, did I turn it over to God?

Until next time…

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