Sunday, January 23, 2011

Writing Contest Over

This morning, at a little before 10, I submitted my entry titled “Namesake Be Damned” for the Writing Contest. The challenge was to write a story of no more than 875 words long using the following prompt:

The feet of her pajamas offered no protection as she trudged through the deep drifts. She had been crying throughout her ordeal and, when she lowered her head for protection from the wind, she almost missed a light piercing through the trees. As she instinctively turned in that direction, she heard a train whistle...

My entry will be judged along with hundreds of others and a decision will be forthcoming in 6 weeks or more. Once the contest has been judged, they award First, Second, Third, and 20 Honorable Mentions. They also draw a bunch of door prize winners from the contestants.

This was a fun prompt to do. I expect my entry will be a little different from most since I wrote about deep drifts of SAND in the desert instead of SNOW in the winter. Once the contest is complete, I’ll post the story here on this blog.

I really think the practice with writing prompts helped me immensely. My normal practice in these contests is to mull over the prompt until the next morning then rush to write the story. This time, I spent a couple of hours researching some info for the story and had the thing written by 7:35 last night. Amazing, isn’t it? I woke up this morning about 4 and reworked the story for a couple of hours, went back to bed at 6 and got up at 8. I spent about an hour tightening it up and shuffling things around. I emailed it to Writers Weekly at 8:52, well before the 1 PM deadline.

Just think: because I’ve been spending so much time on writing prompts, I can churn out the drivel I write much faster. Eh! Eh! Eh!

Today, Karen and I went to Carrabba’s for lunch. Richard wasn’t feeling up to it. We both had the sausage and lentil soup and spaghetti with meat sauce and sausage. Scrumptious! Of course, I brought home l little of the soup and a lot of the spaghetti. In fact, since it’s now 6:44, I think I’ll warm up the soup and eat it. I’ll probably have the spaghetti for breakfast.

Until next time…

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