Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Home Again, Home Again Jiggity Jig


I left Jeff’s about 9 this morning and arrived home at 6 tonight. Th trip started with a traffic backup on I-85. This cost me about 30 – 45 minutes, but I still made it home in pretty good time.

As soon as I got home, before I could unload the truck, it began pouring. I quickly got the essentials in. The rest will wait until tomorrow.

After I hooked up my computer, I checked theblaze.com and saw a couple of disturbing stories: A woman in Saudi Arabia (where women will get to vote and hold office by 2015), was given 10 lashes for driving a car, in defiance of a ban on women driving. Also, an Egyptian cleric has stated on al Jazeera that “Every Zionist (for this read Jew) who enters Egypt – tourist or not -  should be killed.”

Did you see that Ford has pulled an ad that criticizes the car company bailout? The car buyer in the ad said he bought a Ford because Ford didn’t take bailout money. One of the primary reasons I chose my Ford F150 was because Ford didn’t take bailout money. It is rumored that the White House pressured Ford to pull the ad, but Ford denies the allegation.

Did you hear about Bev Perdue, governor of NC, suggesting that Congressional elections be suspended for two years?

Iran is threatening to send worships to the US shores. Is this a precursor for their delivery of bombs that produce EMPs?

Currently watching NCIS and looking forward to NCIS – LA and Body of Proof.

Until next time…

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