Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ronald Bart Gardin – Rest in Peace

Today, on Facebook, my friend John Mattson shared Bart Gardin’s obituary from the Gwinnett Daily Post up near Atlanta. Bart was an integral part of our computer department at Rehabilicare. He has been bravely battling Acute Myeloid Leukemia for last few years.

He was only 38 – how young to pass so soon. Please pray for his wife Leslie, his two kids Aubrey and Brett, his parents, his family and friends. Rest in peace, Bart.

A Free Country?

Have you heard about the Illinois man who is facing 75 (SEVENTY-FIVE) years in jail for filming the police? Ridiculous! – no more Rodney King situations if this is allowed to stand. See the story at:

Have you heard about the government’s persecution of Gibson Guitar? It is incredible how our justice department ignores real crimes and tries to put American companies out of business. Gibson Guitar CEO Says Feds Told Him Problems Would ‘Go Away’ if Labor Done in Madagascar

See more at:

I think I’m going to the movies tomorrow to see either The Debt or Seven Days in Utopia.

Until next time…

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