Today, I received a replacement for my Kindle via FedEx. My old one is to be returned via UPS. Weird, huh?
The little square around my 5-way switch came off my Kindle when I dropped it. I didn’t notice it at the time and since I dropped it in the parking lot of the AMC Regency Theater, there was no going back to look for it. The Kindle worked anyway. I was just afraid at some time I might get something into the inner workings of the unit that would eventually cause it to malfunction
Since I had a two-year warranty on the Kindle, I called Amazon and they sent me this new one. They have everything archived and keep track of all of the stuff I bought from them so it was pretty easy to download it to my new one. Fortunately, I didn’t have to go without my Kindle for any time at all. I use it so much, especially since I have been playing Scrabble on it.
However, it did destroy my statistics from my Scrabble games. That was okay for the first game, since I won and it showed me winning 100 percent. I lost the second game so it wasn’t as much fun to see the 50%. I just won the third game so I’m at 66.6666666% now. Hopefully, my percentage will just keep going up (but I doubt it).
iPhone 4 from Verizon
Today, I pre-ordered an iPhone 4 from Verizon. I’m looking forward to exploring all of the apps and learning how to use it. Of course, there will be some frustrations as there are with any new gadget. I’ve contacted my nephew Greg to find out the name of the protective case he got for his. My nephew Chris has one protecting his iPhone and he said he dropped it on a hard surface from shoulder height and the phone was not damaged.
Considering what I did with my Kindle, doesn’t that sound like a good idea?
Also, I will have to get a new Bluetooth headset and asked Greg about that as well.
Writing Prompt: These are the things women know about love
I don’t think women know anything different about love than men or at least that the truth about love is not dependent upon your gender.
Love is not some nebulous feeling that sends us into paroxysms of euphoria. Rather, love is an action verb. If we count on the “feeling” of love, we will always be disappointed; it is so momentary and fleeting. It is this kind of love that can leave or be destroyed in a relationship.
True love is honest and trustworthy and faithful, no matter how we feel. True love acts in the interests of the one who is loved, even if it is at the expense of the one loving.
No other words have ever been truer about love than those found in one of my favorite passages about love found in I Corinthians 13:4-7:
4 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud 5 or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. 6 It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. 7 Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
This is love we should all strive to have. This is what love is all about.
Until next time…
We must have ESP. I ordered an iPhone also!! Why do you need another headset? Won't your current one work?