Friday, April 8, 2011

A Beautiful Spring Day in Georgia

The flowering trees and plants are at their springtime best. The beauty is almost more than a person can take in. This picture doesn’t do the dogwood justice, but are pretty none-the-less.

 dogwood behind Jeff's-4sm

Unfortunately, the pink dogwood that is intermingled with the white doesn’t show up very well.

My sister-in-law, her mother and I went to Discover Mills today and had lunch there at a Greek restaurant. It was simply scrumptious. I had one of the best Gyros I’ve ever enjoyed. Yum! Yum!

I then went to Books-A-Million while they went to Burlington Coat Factory. I found a couple of books at less than the Kindle price and bought them. I’ll finish them before I leave and will leave them here for my sister-in-law to read.

Well, I’d better pack this up.

Until next time…

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