Resurrection Day – A Poem by Kathy Dillenbeck
Today is Resurrection Day, a day when Christians celebrate
The resurrection of our Lord, when Jesus opened Heaven’s Gate.
It looked so bleak when Jesus died at Calvary that fateful day,
Yet now we know He died for us, for our sin’s debt to pay.
He died, but Jesus did not stay--the tomb could never hold Him;
That mighty power of God was used to make the grave unfold Him.
So many saw our Savior die--there was no doubt about it.
For us He bore tremendous pain--no, we should never doubt it.
But many saw Him live again after He gave up His life.
He spoke and walked with those with whom He’d spent the last years of his life.
Because He rose, we have the hope that we shall also live again.
Our bodies will be changed somehow, transformed with life to never end.
Eternal life, our Savior said, was that we would know God Most High,
And Jesus Christ, Whom He had sent, Who came upon this earth to die.
To die for you and die for me our blessed Savior Jesus came,
That we might be redeemed by Him and by the power of His Name.
Yes, we should thank our blessed Lord for all that He has done for us,
That He gave up His precious life and brought eternal life to us.
Why did Jesus have to die? He died for you and died for me.
Why did Jesus rise again? He rose to set His people free:
Free from sin and free from death, free to follow God above;
Free to put God first at last, to recognize God’s endless love;
Free to know the one true God and Jesus Christ Whom He has sent;
Free to know that God is love and that His will is truly best.
Captain Chris
Today, my brother returned home from where my nephew is stationed. He attended the ceremony where Chris was pinned a Captain.
I am so proud of my nephew Chris. You can probably tell by this picture that my brother (he’s the one on the right) Jeff is very proud of him too. Chris’s girl friend Sabrina (pictured in the middle) pinned his bars on him. Chris is a great guy and I know this country is in safe hands because of him and others just like him who are willing to sacrifice all to protect and defend us. God bless the USA and those who fight for her.
Until next time…
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