Sunday, March 27, 2011


This morning, I went to see the new movie Limitless starring Bradley Cooper and Robert De Nero. First, let me say it was a great movie, one I enjoyed very much. The plot was imaginative and kept me wondering what was going to happen.

Bradley Cooper is a wonderful actor. Do you remember him from Alias? And, of course, De Nero is superb. I regret to say I didn’t recognize anybody else.

If you get a chance, see it. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

This evening, Karen and Richard and I went to Carrabba’s (thank you, Esther). They were all out of the Filet Tips and Polenta, so I had Spaghetti with Meat Sause and Sausage. I brought enough home for two more meals. I don’t know how they did it, but Karen and Richard ate all of their meals.

Tonight, I spent a few hours at Richard’s waiting for and trying to watch the daughter of a friend of mine on C-Span 2 BookTV. Leah McGrath Goodman has written a book called The Asylum about NYMEX (the New York Mercantile Exchange). I’ve read the first few chapters and can assure you it is well-written.

If you see the interview, please watch it and let me know how it was. Apparently, CSpan2 is shared by E! on Bright House. RIchard and I ended up watching 4 or 5 episodes of Swamp People on the History Channel instead.

Well, I have finished all of Lee Child’s Jack Reacher novels and am eagerly awaiting his next.

It’s now 11:02 and way past my bedtime.

Until next time…

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