Today, I moved across the street to a much better campsite – lot 144. I didn’t know if it would happen or not. I woke at 6:00am and started taking care of stuff so it wouldn’t be damaged in the move. Guess what! It started raining around 6:30 and kept raining for a couple of hours. I was afraid I’d have to delay a day or get wet hooking up.
I dumped my tanks and pretty much did everything on my list I posted yesterday except I didn’t hook up my sewer hose. I’ll do that later. I can go a week or more without dumping.
I am wiped out. After I moved over here, I took care of most of the stuff inside and then decided to relax. I watched the last three CSI programs on my computer.
My neighbor next door helped me get the camper backed in properly. If I had had to do it without help, I’m sure it would have taken an hour or so, but I don’t think it took 5 minutes to get it in the perfect spot. It’s more level than it was. He unhooked the chains and electric. What great people Joe and Wanda are. They are here from Knoxville, TN and will be leaving in about 3 weeks. They are good people and love Southern Gospel music as well as Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. What more could you ask.
I have to brag about backing the pickup up to the camper. Using my backup camera. I backed the hitch ball under the receiver perfectly. I didn’t have to pull forward and back at all. I stopped at the perfect moment.
Tomorrow, I have to take my truck in to Jarrett-Scott Ford. Apparently, when I was there before, the computer didn’t get reset and thinks I need an oil change. I don’t think I’ve put 500 miles on the truck since I did that.
Well, I’m tired out. I think I’ll go to bed and read until I’m sleepy. It probably won’t take long.
Until next time…
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