Today, my cousin Richard and I went to Olde Towne Pizza in Plant City again. We had the same old same old: he-large strawberry walnut salad, I-small strawberry walnut salad, both-corn fritters with butter and Old Town Pizza (all the meats), thin-crust, of course.
Richard’s getting ready to go to New York for a month to attend his FIFTIETH Northside High School Alumni Celebration. I shouldn’t say anything; my FIFTIETH is next year, but mine is for Painted Post High School (much better school :)).
This morning I read an intriguing book called Prism by Faye Kellerman and her daughter Aliza. It involved a parallel existence where people could not understand the concept of getting better if you got sick. There were no doctors or hospitals or ambulances. Makes you think.
I also started and finished a Linda Howard book called Death Angel. I’ll soon be starting another book by Linda Howard called Kiss Me While I Sleep.
About half way through Death Angel, the heroine dies for an hour. During this time, she encounters her stillborn son who is about 30 years old. It reminded me of a theory I heard somewhere that when we die we will probably appear around 33 (no matter how old we get), which is the age Jesus died and was resurrected. Something to think about. Unfortunately, the book was very “works” heavy and not at all grace-oriented. All I can say is if I had to rely on good works to get to heaven, I’d be in big trouble. Thanks be to God that He paid the price – one of my favorite verses (it even appears on my checks) is “For by grace are you saved through faith and that not of itself. It is the gift of God not of works, lest any man should boast.”
Until next time…
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