Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mimi’s Cafe

This morning, I met Esther at Mimi’s where we had a scrumptious lunch and some fine conversation. I’m so glad she is back from her travels.

I just finished my leftovers from Mimi’s. It was just as good as being there.

It’s raining again today – which we really need.

Was sad to watch Glenn Beck’s last TV show tonight. It looks as if Fox is putting on some lame show called The Five. It’ll never replace Glenn Beck.

I am a subscriber to Glenn Beck TV, but couldn’t sign in to see the first broadcast – I kept getting a server error. I expect it’s from having so many signed in at once. I’ll try again tomorrow.

I finished an interesting book by Donna Andrews today called Click Here for Murder and am working on one by Jerrilyn Farmer called Killer Wedding. One of the characters in Click Here for Murder is an AIP (artificial intelligence personality), i.e., a computer. It takes a little getting used to. There are two subsequent books which I put on hold at the library.

Until next time…

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