Sunday, July 10, 2011

Another Quiet Sunday

Except for going down to Dickie’s to take a shower, I didn’t leave my trailer today. I also picked up the mail from yesterday, I tried to do it yesterday, but for some reason, I just went down to the end of the street and turned around and drove right by the mailbox. I’m blaming my forgetfulness on the Nyquil I’ve been taking and on my congested nose and throat.

I finished reading A Dill of a Death by Susan Wittig Albert and have started All or Nothing by Elizabeth Adler. A Dilly of a Death was packed full of pickle jokes, real groaners, for example:

What do you call a pickle who is a sore loser? A sour pickle

What did the girl pickle say to the boy pickle on Valentine’s Day? You mean a great dill to me.

What’s the difference between a pickle and a psychiatrist? If you don’t know, you should stop talking to your pickle.

Well, seven o’clock and time to read myself to sleep.

Until next time…

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