Saturday, July 9, 2011

Nanny-State Madness

Woman Faces Jail Over Veggie Garden… See the article at:

I wrote the city manager and protested this. I hope you will too (email him at '' ). Our government is completely out of control!

Feeling almost human today, but still very tired. I must have napped about 4 hours today and now it’s getting late (7:01PM :)).

Saw a picture of my friend Carolyn on Facebook today. She’s looking pretty good. She moved from Canandaigua, NY down to South Carolina to be with her daughter. I love Facebook for all of the pictures and the news you pick up. It really helps us keep in touch.

Well I just finished Bloodroot by Susan Wittig Albert and have stared A Dilly of a Death by the same author. Hope to finish it tonight.

Until next time…

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