Friday, July 8, 2011

Rain, Rain and More Rain

We got some beautiful rain today. Our pond is finally full again.

In short, it was a good day to spend in bed alternately sleeping and reading. About 3 pm, I did summon enough strength to take a shower and change clothes. Boy, did I feel better after that, but I will be glad to get back in bed. This whatever I have has lingered too long already. Maybe by tomorrow, I’ll have most of my voice back again.

I’m so thankful for Nyquil and Mucinex. I would have been a lot more uncomfortable.

I have been reading some and, when my eyes wouldn’t focus, listening to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. What a great book! So many questions get answered.

Hopefully by tomorrow, I’ll feel well enough to get out for a while.

Until next time…

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