This morning, I got out my weed-eater and “mowed” my lawn. Usually, the park does it, but it was getting pretty high (a foot or more for some of the weeds) and I wanted to do the weed-eating anyway so I spent an hour or so running the weed-eater. This afternoon, of course, Byron came by on the lawn mower and mowed the lawns here in the camping part of the park. I guess I’ll have to go back to total procrastination.
After a shower at my cousin’s, he and I went down to the Tax Collector’s office and transferred the title on my former mobile home. He’s been living there since mid-December, but waiting for my cousin Alger’s estate to settle before he could pay me. I’m glad to have that done.
I also went to the library today and picked up 4 books to read (took back 5). I only took out 4 because I have some on hold and I like to pick them up as soon as I can. I’ve read about 1/2 of one already.
Well, back to reading.
Until next time…
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