Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Rainy Hot Sunday

Right now, it’s raining with thunder and lightning. I expect Florida would be as hot as the rest of the country were it not for our afternoon rains.

Kind of quiet and not much going on. I had a refreshing 2-hour nap this morning. I spent a little time with my cousin this afternoon. It sure is good to have him home.

I have one more library book to read (which I will finish today), so I’ll probably visit the library.

I hope all of you have seen the 1 minute 22 second video Laura Ingraham put together showing how Obama really is serving Jimmy Carter’s second term. You can see it at:

I know many of you will remember the despair that overwhelmed this country during the Carter years. Up until Obama, I thought he was the worst president EVER, but I was wrong.

Back to my reading.

Until next time…

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