Mark Steyn, who occasionally subs for Rush Limbaugh, is quoted today in an article by John Hawkins st
"How do you ‘invest in the future’? By borrowing $188 million every hour. That’s what the government of the United States is doing. It’s spending one-fifth of a billion dollars it doesn’t have every hour of every day of every week — all for your future!" -- Mark Steyn
This morning, I waited in vain for a check to be delivered. It should have been sent by my cousin Alger’s lawyer a week ago yesterday, but when I called yesterday, I was told it hadn’t been mailed until last Thursday or Friday. I’m inclined to think they didn’t mail it until I called them yesterday. Oh well, no big deal. It’s not like I’m starving without it. It’s just the principle of the thing.
I had to go to Crosstown Stor-and-More to show them that indeed, their check had been in the mail. In fact, they cashed it on 7/1/2011. They found it while I was there, but what a pain.
After that, I went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 AGAIN. It was just as good the second time. I saw a few things I hadn’t noticed before. As I told a friend, I’ll probably go see it again before it leaves the theater.
On the way home, I stopped and got gas – the price has gone from $3.399 the last time I bought it to $3.549 this time – almost $70 to fill up my tank. Yikes.
I traveled the back way from the gas station and on Kingsway Rd, saw 4 Sand Hill Cranes crossing the road. I slowed down, then stopped and took some pictures. I couldn’t see what I was doing, but a couple of them turned out pretty good:
I cropped and blew up the picture of the one above. You can get an idea of how big they are by checking out its size in relation to the fence.
It’s kind of hard to see them all, but here are 4 Sand Hill Cranes in this picture.
I’m currently reading Prayers for the Dead by Faye Kellerman.
Tomorrow, I go to Zephyrhills to wait for my cousin Richard to have a heart cath. Hope all goes well.
Well, this has been kind of a long-winded post. Sorry.
Until next time…
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