Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tomorrow’s THE Day!

I spent the better part of the day packing up stuff in my camper. All of the stuff in my big pantry has been bagged and put back on the shelves. I also have boxes and bags scattered around on top of the stove, sink and table. Before I move my current camper out of the way tomorrow morning, I will have to set everything down on the floor. Can’t do that now because I need to get to the bathroom during the night and in the morning.

Right after I post them, I’ll be packing up my computer. It’ll be weird not signing on in the morning, but I guess I can skip one morning looking at email and checking my special web sites I like to visit.

I hope I can get everything set up tomorrow with no problem. The worst will probably be backing it into the space. I assured the park manager that I would have someone make sure I didn’t back into anything critical. Remember this picture?


Camper Gusher-1-1

The park manager would really not like that to happen again, as you can imagine.

Camper Gusher-2-1

Well, one more cabinet and the refrigerator to pack up and I can hit the hay.

Until next time…

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