Saturday, October 16, 2010

Back Ups and Box Ups

Once again, the weather is wonderful. It was 52 when I got up this morning. I had a terrific long walk, enjoying the sounds of Dan Seals’ Portrait album. It’s one of my favorite albums of all times.

Today, my backup of my old laptop finally finished and I discovered I’d not only backed up the laptop, but also the hard drive I was using for the back ups. So, I had to start over. It’s finally done and all packed up.

While doing the back ups, I also boxed up some more stuff for Goodwill. I’ll take out the four boxes to the truck tomorrow. And maybe some others as well.

I made another big pot of super soup also. Yum, Yum! Lots of hearty beans, carrots, onions, celery, yellow peppers, red peppers, green peppers, cabbage, mushrooms, and tomatoes.

Tomorrow, I will probably go to the movies. I’ve heard the new Bruce Willis/Morgan Freeman/Helen Mirren/John Malkovich movie, RED, is terrific. I also plan to start copying my VHS tapes to DVD to make them easier to take with me.

Well, time to go to bed – remember, I need my beauty sleep.

Until next time…

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