Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Star Spangled Banner

In a previous post (January 28, 2011), I spoke about Francis Scott Key writing the Star Spangled Banner:

It’s the same sky in which the American flag flew, inspiring Francis Scott Key to pen “The Star Spangled Banner.” The poem was originally called “The Defence of Fort McHenry.” “At the twilight’s last gleaming,” on September 13, 1814, during the War of 1812, Key watched the bombardment by the British of Fort McHenry during the Battle of Baltimore. The fort was attacked all night long. Key was amazed and delighted to see the American flag still flying over the fort “by the dawn’s early light” on September 14th, despite all of the “rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air. “

In a post today, Sarah Palin wrote about visiting Fort McHenry. You can read about this at:


Until reading this article, I didn’t know that “When the commander in charge of the fort had taken command of it, he had commissioned to be made “a flag so large that the British would have no difficulty seeing it from a distance.””

Today, I paid my rent for another month. My huge electric bill was a big problem - $34.00 – sorry, just kidding.

I went to the library and picked some more Kellerman Howard books. Since I’m already more than half way through Bones by Jonathon Kellerman, I guess you can figure out what I’ve been doing most of the day.

Now, off to bed.

Until next time…

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day and Jerusalem

Memorial Day

Iwo Jima Monument

Today is a very special day. In our family, this is the day when we traditionally honor not only those in the military who have passed, but also the day we would go to cemeteries in the area and “decorate” the graves of other loved ones who have passed. I guess this is why the original name of Memorial Day was Decoration Day.

Today, I remember so many who have passed on. I can’t even begin to name them, but they are people who bring a warm spot in my heart. The thought of them makes me smile and, because they are gone, makes me a little sad. It was such a privilege to know them and to have my life touched by theirs.

And, of course, it is for all of the veterans who have given their lives for this country or who have suffered untold pain to help secure our freedom. May God bless all who serve or have served. May God protect our military and make us truly thankful for all they do for us.

To me, one of the most moving monuments in all of Washington, DC is the Iwo Jima monument. I first saw it in 1963 at about 5 in the morning. It was still dark and my friend and I were driving around looking at all of the wonders in DC when we came across this. In the dark, it is more powerful, but I didn’t have a camera which would capture it in the dark. If you go to DC, don’t miss it. If I remember correctly, it’s in Arlington Cemetery.


I’ve heard for many years about the many tunnels under Jerusalem. The following article has pictures and video and lots of info:


Hezekiah’s tunnel is even mentioned in the Bible. See:

2 Kings 20:20
As for the other events of Hezekiah’s reign, all his achievements and how he made the pool and the tunnel by which he brought water into the city, are they not written in the book of the annals of the kings of Judah?

Someone in my writing group wrote of walking through Hezekiah’s tunnel while she was in Israel where members of her group were shouting Marco Polo.

Well, off to reading…

Until next time…

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Rolling Thunder

We had some rolling thunder last night, accompanied by lightning and a gentle, much-needed rain. Washington, D.C. also had some “Rolling Thunder” and guess who was there.

Sarah Palin participated in Rolling Thunder today – to honor POWs and MIAs. Let’s NEVER forget then. While there, it looks as if she ran into Rep. Allen West – one of my favorites. What a team they would make – both straight shooters who tell it like it is. You can see the pictures at:


I read until 5:15 this morning, but I did finish my book – Hangman by Faye Kellerman.Most of her novels are about an Orthodox Jewish family where the dad is a L.A.P.D. detective. The characters are so well-developed you just want to hug them.

I woke at 6:45 and could not go back to sleep so I got up and started to read Cry No More by Linda Howard. What a terrific writer she is!

I spent a few hours at my cousin’s. He couldn’t get rid of me so he fed me: hamburgers, homemade potato salad and homemade macaroni salad. If he was trying to get rid of me, I think he needs to revisit his strategy.

Well, needless to say (but I’ll say it anyway), I am exhausted and nedd to go to bed.

Until next time…

Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Quiet Saturday in Thonotosassa

Today was a quiet day. I finished the book The Forgotten by Faye Kellerman and started Hangman by Faye Kellerman. I never left the trailer until about 7 this evening. Spent a few minutes with my cousin Richard.

I did hear some great news. My nephew Michael and his wife Jody have a brand-new baby boy – Nathan James Knefley. He was born a little early, but still weighed over 6 pounds. The hospital was without power due to a terrible storm, but mom and baby are doing okay. This is their third child. I’m so happy for them. Funny, I can remember when Michael was born. Does that make me old?

Did you hear that they have opened the border between Gaza and Egypt to more than just a few people every day? No good can come from this.

Well, it’s after 8:00 and thus, near my bed time.

Back to Hangman.

Until next time…

Friday, May 27, 2011

Remembering …

My cousin sent me an email with this picture. Dilemma: how to set an alarm in my head for 3pm. Any ideas?

Memorial Day Remembrance

From theblaze.com:

How should you mark Memorial Day?  The folks at US Memorial Day offer some tips;

  • by visiting cemeteries and placing flags or flowers on the graves of our fallen heroes.
  • by visiting memorials.
  • by flying the U.S. Flag at half-staff until noon.
  • by flying the ‘POW/MIA Flag’ as well (Section 1082 of the 1998 Defense Authorization Act).
  • by participating in a “National Moment of Remembrance“: at 3 p.m. to pause and think upon the true meaning of the day, and for Taps to be played.
  • by renewing a pledge to aid the widows, widowers, and orphans of our falled dead, and to aid the disabled veterans.

For the families and friends of those who died in service to America, every single day is Memorial Day, as they are forced to carry on without a loved one. The least we can do is pause at 3pm on Monday for a Moment of Remembrance.


Watch Sarah Palin’s “One Nation” bus tour video at:


Except for a 6am breakfast at Waffle House, I pretty much stayed home today.

Until next time…

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Kung Fu Panda 2

Today, I was going to DMV to renew my camper registration and discovered I didn’t have the info I needed to get it done. In view of that, so as not to waste a trip, I went to AMC and saw Kung Fu Panda 2. I enjoyed it even more than the first one. The voiceovers were terrific. Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Gary Oldman, Seth Rogen, Jackie Chan, Dustin Hoffman (when I heard him, I first thought it was Tim Allen), Michelle Yeoh, Dennis Haysbert, Victor Garber, Lucy Liu, and even Jean-Claude Van Damme. I thoroughly enjoyed it and so did the rest of the audience – they clapped at the end and not because it was over.

I went to the library and got a few more books to read – mostly Faye Kellerman books. I started one this afternoon.

That’s pretty much it for my day.

Until next time…

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Laundry and Lunch

This morning, I took my laundry over to my cousin’s and used his new washer and dryer for the first time. What an improvement over the old ones. The washer and dryer both hold 2 1/2 to 3 times as much laundry as the old ones. I didn’t think I’d notice a difference, but the clothes seemed cleaner. It also takes less time. I’m so glad I have a generous cousin who puts up with my intrusive laundry washing.

While I was at Richard’s, the pest control guy (Jackie) came by. He and my mother always got along well and he nearly always mentions her with fondness. She touched so many lives.

For lunch, Richard and I went to Olde Towne Pizza. This picture is of a beautiful hibiscus flower that grows out front of the place.

Olde Towne Pizza-1-1sm

The food was delicious as always. Instead of my usual strawberry walnut salad, I had an Italian sausage sandwich:

Olde Towne Pizza-5-1sm

I took what you see home along with half of the pizza left here:

Olde Towne Pizza-4-1sm  

Richard had the strawberry walnut salad with lots of strawberries.

Olde Towne Pizza-3-1sm He wasn’t able to eat it all – here is what’s left after he ate about half. He took that and his half of the pizza home with him.

After I got home, I took the garbage to the dumpster and saw a big turtle sitting on something in our pond. The picture doesn’t do justice to his size, but my iPhone doesn’t have a zoom lens. He’s just to the left of that sign (which says no swimming or fishing).

Turtle in Pond-2-1cropped

I’m now going to go to bed and, hopefully, finish the last of the library books I took out on Monday. I’ll probably go to the library tomorrow and get 5 or 6 more.

Until next time…

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

For Today and Yesterday (May 23)

When I vowed that nothing would stop me posting my blog every day, I had not counted on browser troubles. Lewis and Clark certainly never had to reinstall and reinstall their 4G modem software and drivers. Sorry for missing yesterday. It’s a long and sad story I won’t bore you with.

Pirates of the Carribbean

Today, I finally went to see the latest Pirates of the Carribbean movie. Johnny Depp was his usual self – he really hammed it up. Geoffrey Rush, from the King’s Speech did a great job as a good/evil man with a wooden leg. The villains were cruel and evil, as they are supposed to be. There were chase scenes, but in wagons, not cars. The special effects were amazing, particularly the mermaids. It’s not a little kid’s movie though, so if your child gets nightmares easily, don’t take them. Of course, they left you hanging and wondering when the next Pirates movie will be.

Lunch with Esther

This afternoon Esther and I met at Mimi’s Cafe for lunch after her appointment with her podiatrist. I had their Sam Adams Beer-Battered Fish and Chips – It was delicious, but I couldn’t finish it all. Esther had some kind of salad so she could have the bread pudding for dessert. She offered me some, but I just couldn’t. I was that full.

Bits and Pieces

The Blaze.com reports that Obama Signs Westminster Abbey Guest Book…Using 2008 Date! I could maybe see 2010, but 2008! I guess we know where his head is.

How ironic that AARP which pushed Obamacare has sought and received a waiver for the same program it pushed!

Well, I’m exhausted so it’s early to bed. Tomorrow, I’m doing laundry at my cousin’s house while I wait for the pest control guy. Richard’s doing a sleep study tonight in Zephyrhills and has a doctor’s appointment there tomorrow.

Until next time…

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sleepless Night in Thonotosassa

Didn’t get to sleep until about 4 this morning – I think it’s because of the two cokes I had with my Kaszbor’s chicken wings last night. I did, however, manage to finish the Linda Howard book I was reading and read about 2/3 of her book Evidence. After waking up about 6:30, I finished off the last of my library books. Tomorrow, I’ll have to go get some more.

Most of the rest of the day, except for a couple of hours I spent over at my cousin’s watching the movie Held Up, I spent working on the Dillenbeck Website (www.dillenbeck.com). I’ve got the files all changed, but am having trouble uploading them to the server. Some files upload okay and some don’t. I’m sure I’ve racked about a few Gigabytes on my Verizon account today trying to get this done, but those are the breaks.

I’ll call GoDaddy tomorrow morning and see if they can tell me what I’m doing wrong.

Until next time…

Saturday, May 21, 2011

What’s Your Favorite Movie?

This is too amazing.  You have to try it.  Don't skip ahead.

Be honest, now---don't look at the movie list below
until you've done the math!     
Try this test and find out what movie is your favorite .   
This amazing math quiz can likely predict which of 17 movies you would enjoy the most.  It really works...for MOST of us anyway!
Movie Test:
1.   Pick a number between 1 and 9 
2.   Multiply that answer by 3 
3.   Now, add 3  
4.   Then, multiply again by 3  
5.   Now, finally, add the two digits of your answer together to find 
       your predicted favorite movie in the list of 17 movies at the bottom of this post:


Baconalia Breakfast, etc.

Today, my cousin Richard took me to Denny’s for my birthday. You may know that Denny’s is having what they call “Baconalia”  which features a number of bacon items, including a Bacon Maple Sundae.

I’ve been wanting to try the sundae and, this morning, I did. It was really good: lots of bacon, more than enough maple syrup and smooth and creamy vanilla ice cream. I could only eat about 1/3 of it. Try it. I bel you’ll like it too.

After breakfast, I came home and took a 2-hour nap then began reading Linda Howard’s book Time to Kill. It involves time travel, which I didn’t know until I began reading, or I probably wouldn’t have picked it out. I’m so engrossed in the story now, I’m going to finish it – hopefully, before I go to sleep. It’s pretty well written.


Movie  List (continued from above):
1.   Gone With The Wind
2.   E.T.
3.   Blazing Saddles
4.   Star Wars
5.   Forrest Gump
6.   The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
7.   Jaws
8.   Grease
9.   The Obama farewell speech of 2012
10.  Casablanca
11.  Jurassic Park
12.  Shrek
13.  Pirates of the Caribbean
14.  Titanic
15.  Raiders of the Lost Ark
16.  Home Alone
17.  Mrs. Doubtfire

Until next time…

Friday, May 20, 2011

A Wonderful Birthday

Today, after reading most of the day, my cousin Richard and I went over to my niece Jane’s for dinner before heading to Lowry Park Bandshell for Friday Extra with Rubix Cubed.

It was a wonderful day. Jane made fried rice – as good as her mother’s –, an oriental salad, and green beans. It was all delicious, but to top it off, she made chocolate cake. Fearing their house might catch on fire, they only put two candles on the cake. Don’t worry, I blew them out okay.

As you can see by the pictures, Esther was there as well as Jane’s husband David, and their sons James (he’s the one on the right in the thrid picture) and Bradley.




After an enjoyable meal, we all went to Friday Extra to see my favorite band in the area – Rubix Cubed. My nephew Steven plays lead guitar and sings. Surprisingly, he shouted out a “Happy Birthday Aunt Kathy” – I was very moved by it. 

Here we are watching the band.. you can’t see him, but Bradley is behind the tree on the left. They even brought their dogs (in the cart)


There were a lot of people there, as you can see by the picture … and that’s not all of the crowd.


Steve is the one in the blue vest playing guitar. This band is awesome. If you ever need a band, just go to: http://www.rubixcubedband.com/fr_home.cfm


Well, it’s 9:42 and thus way past my bedtime.

By the way, thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. I’m blessed with so many wonderful friends.

Until next time…

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Coming to Life

Please go out to http://www.theblaze.com/stories/stunning-time-lapse-videos-man-captures-trees-flowers-coming-to-life/ and see trees and flowers coming to life. It’s absolutely amazing.

On a More Somber Note

I didn’t watch Obama’s speech today – it just makes me sick to watch him, but I certainly read about his pro-Terrorist stand in backing Palestine instead of Israel. He has just signaled that the US will not do anything if the Arab countries attack Israel. Talk about short-sighted, anti-Semitic nonsense.

I’ve spoken before about Congressman Allen West and my support for him for president in 2012. His response to Obama only strengthens my resolve to see West elected. See that response here:


In the Bible, we are admonished to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Seems like this would be a good time to do just that.

Tonight, I’m going to Carrabba’s with some of my friends to celebrate my 66th birthday (which contrary to confusion, is tomorrow). Can you think of a better way to spend a little time than with the finest food and dear friends? I’m really looking forward to this evening>

Tomorrow night my cousin Richard and I are going first to my niece Jane’s house for fried rice, then on to Lowry Park Bandshell to see my nephew Steven and his band (Rubx Cubed) play. It will be a lot of fun as well.

Until next time…

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Foreign Aid

Our country spends more than it takes in by at least 4.01 billion (with a B) dollars per day. We are at least 14 trillion (trillion with a ‘TR’) in debt currently. In view of this, one must ask why we are providing other countries, including those whom most would consider enemies, foreign aid.

A friend sent me the following. You will be appalled.

We're about to go belly-up here in America because of our financial lack of dollars but we can sure support several other countries. 

Be sure to mouse over Egypt and Iraq to see how much of YOUR tax dollars will be going to help them!!! 

I find this very shocking!

Use your browser over the map surface to see the amounts.

You can also scroll by country for further details.


We must stop the bleeding. N

Today, I watched the season finales of NCIS and NCIS-LA. I imagine they won’t lose any viewers over the summer, I know I can hardly wait to see what happens. I also started Deception by Jonathon Kellerman – very intriguing. Other than a short trip to the grocery store and getting gas ($3.769 per gallon), I mostly just sat around playing on my computer.

Tomorrow, I’ll have to hang around my cousin’s house because FedEx is supposed to deliver an antenna for my a 4G modem. I hope that associate I spoke with knew what she was talking about because when I first got the modem, they said they didn’t make an antenna for it even though there was a place to plug it in.

Until next time…

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I’ve decided to spell “Tuesday” with a “Two” in the beginning. That is because Twosday is the day I see two movies at AMC Regency in Brandon. When you’re a senior citizen, movies on Twosday are $6. This allows me to save a lot of money on gas.

Today, I saw Everything Must Go and Priest.

Anyone who knows me very well probably knows I am not a fan of Will Ferrell, but I have to say he did a pretty good job playing an alcoholic who fell off the wagon and, in one day, was fired from his job, came home to find his wife left him and that she had put all of his stuff on the lawn. This was after she had the locks changed on the house, canceled his credit cards and froze their joint bank account. I don’t want to give away the plot so I won’t tell you what happens.

Besides Will Ferrell, the only other person I recognized was Laura Dern, but she wasn’t in the movie much. A young mostly unknown named Christopher Jordan Wallace played Kenny. He was in most of the film and did a great job.

As for Priest, this was basically a vampire movie, but not like any I have ever seen. It’s well worth seeing if you like ugly, creepy, scary monsters and like to watch the battle between good and evil. This was another movie where I hardly recognized the actors. Paul Bettany starred as the priest and Karl Urban as a bad guy. Cam Gigandet and Maggie O were also in it, as was Christopher Plummer – believe me his character was nothing like Captain Von Trapp.

These were both very good movies – at least in my humble opinion.

That pretty nearly took care of my whole day. I am almost done reading Dr. Death by Jonathon Kellerman and then I can start the next book.

Until next time…

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sahara Closed As Of Today

I was sad to hear the Sahara Hotel/Casino on the Las Vegas strip closed as of today. Mark and I spent two weeks in that hotel one fall. It was a very nice facility though not as nice as some of the newer places. We used it as a jumping off point to a lot of other places: Yosemite National Park, the Roy Rogers Museum, Bryce Canyon, Zion National Forest, the Grand Canyon, the Painted Desert, the Petrified Forest, the Meteor Crater (if you type Meteor Crater in your search engine, you’ll see a map and if you change the map to satellite and zoom in, you won’t believe that place – it’s amazing), Lake Havasu City and London Bridge, the Hoover Dam, Lake Meade, Laughlin, and, of course, Las Vegas itself.

We had the best time and our stay at the Sahara was a large part of the fun we had. I guess it just couldn’t keep up the other casinos.

Today, I had an awful time updating my iPhone software, but called for support and the fellow I talked with very patiently walked through a bunch of steps so I could get it updated. Now, I’m up-to-date or should I say, my iPhone software is up-to-date … I am, personally, another story.

I also asked him about what happens when the battery has to be replaced. He said that you usually have to send it in, but they will send you a replacement so you don’t have to be without your phone. I honestly don’t know what I would do without my iPhone now that I have it.

The shuttle launched successfully today. Click this link to see some fantastic pictures taken by a lady in a commercial airliner flying in the vicinity:


Well, it’s getting dark out so it must be time to hit the hay.

Until next time…

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Huge Thunderstorm

Last night we had a huge thunderstorm. In fact, at 3:30 this morning, there was such a clap of thunder that it woke up me, my cousin Richard and my friend Karen. I know this because we talked about it while having dinner at Carrabba’s tonight.

I had the most delicious pork tenderloin medallions with garlic mashed potatoes and a house salad. Richard had spaghetti and meatballs and Karen had a Johnny Rocco salad (it had lettuce, shrimp, scallops, roasted red peppers and calamata olives).

I finished the Brad Thor book I was reading (Takedown). It was terrific, but it preceded some of the other books in the series on Scot Harvath. Still, better to read it out of order than not at all.

I’ll be starting a new Jonathon Kellerman book called Dr. Death.

Tomorrow, I’ll have to clean off the 12’x15’ I have in front of my camper. All of the rain washed the sand and other detritus onto my mat. I don’t need all of that dirt walking into my trailer on the bottom of my feet.

Until next time…

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Five More Books

Today, after making breakfast, doing dishes and emptying my tanks, I finished Vanish by Tess Gerritsen and then took the five books I took out of the library on Monday back to the library. I brought six back to read this week. I am currently reading Takedown by Brad Thor.

Other than that, I’ve not done anything to write about – sorry to bore you with such goings on.

Guess I’ll sign off.

Until next time…

Friday, May 13, 2011


Today, after a very successful visit to the chiropractor – successful in that I feel so much batter – I went to AMC and saw the R-rated movie Bridesmaids. It lasted over two hours, but was so funny, the time flew by. Language was often offensive and there was some nudity, but it really was funny.

It starred a whole bunch of people I didn’t recognize. About the only two I knew were Jon Hamm (he played a schmuck) and Jill Clayburgh. I haven’t seen her in ages. Like Jill Eikenberry, she has not aged well.  Maybe, it’s something to do with the name “Jill.”

The star of the show was Kristen Wiig, who spent some time on Saturday Night Live. She played a poor, down-on-her-luck maid of honor to another SNL alum, who has been in a bunch of movies I haven’t seen. One of the best performances was by Melissa McCarthy, who played the sister of the groom.

If you can overlook the graphic sex and sometimes foul language, I’d recommend seeing it. It is a riot!

My Brother Ray’s Birthday

Today is my brother Ray’s birthday. He’s just a little under two years younger than I am. I talked with him on the phone and know he’s being taken out to dinner at Outback by his wife Margie. Always a good place to go.

Problems with Blog

I tried to post yesterday’s blog well, yesterday, several times, but was not allowed. I hope they’ve got all of the kinks worked out.

Time to go to bed and read Tess Gerritsen’s book The Apprentice. The book, as many of hers do, features the characters of Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isles and are the basis for the TV show Rizzoli and Isles.

Until next time…

Beautiful Flowers (for 5/12/2011)

I forgot to take and post the pictures of the beautiful flowers I got for Mother’s Day from my brother Jeff, sister-in-law Kathy, her mother Grace, and my nephews Chris and Greg. They were just gorgeous and very much appreciated.

Flowers for Mothers Day-3-1sm

 Flowers for Mothers Day-4-1sm

 Flowers for Mothers Day-5-1sm

Aren’t they beautiful?

I spent most of my morning on the Internet looking at travel trailers. There are so many available, but I haven’t really found the one I can’t live without. I have assembled a list of preferences, including:

  • a desk for my computer
  • at least one comfortable chair
  • lots of storage space inside and out
  • < 30’ long
  • towable by my Ford F-150
  • no more than 7 years old
  • at least 1 foot of counterspace in the kitchen
  • A/C
  • gas/electric fridge
  • gas/electric hot water heater
  • windows that can stay open if it rains
  • Microwave
  • awning
  • stabilizer jacks

Now, is that too much to ask?

I knew you’d agree with me. I’ll probably have to compromise a little, but if I can get most of that, I’ll be satisfied.

GoGoNews for Kids

I hope you all saw the article on theblaze.com that referenced a new web site that offers news in a non-threatening way.. You can read all about this “wholesome, safe, informative space for inquisitive children” at:


Pray for Billy Graham

Billy Graham was hospitalized recently. Please keep him in your prayers.

Until next time…

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Some Good Food and Good Fellowship

Today, my niece Jane, her husband David, and their two sons visited so they could get a good look at my travel trailer. I’m going to give it to them as soon as I get another and they wanted to measure it and make sure it would work for them.

After picking me up, we went to Plant City and had lunch at Olde Towne Pizza. It was scrumptious as usual. David is also going to do some work for my cousin Richard and he was able to take measurements and make some notes so he can give Richard an idea of how much it all will cost.

I watched the latest episodes of NCIS and NCIS-LA this morning. So sorry to see Gibbs’s friend Mike get killed on the show. I had heard someone else was going to die. I remember when Sasha Alexander (now of Rizzoli and Isles) got knocked off. It was awful. This was just as bad, even though Mike wasn’t in the show on a regular basis.

Well, time to read some more of Monster by Jonathon Kellerman.

Until next time…

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

The Bible says to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Today, I read the following on TheBlaze.com:

“IF the Arabs were to lay down their weapons, there would be peace.
IF Israel were to lay down their weapons, there would be NO Israel”.

How true this is, though some would disagree.


Today, I saw two movies: Jumping the Broom and Something Borrowed. Both were very entertaining.

Jumping the Broom is a T.D. Jakes production which stars Angela Bassett, Paula Patton, Laz Alonzo, Loretta Devine, and a number of others too numerous to mention. Gary Dourdan from CSI played a chef. For those of you who do not know, “jumping the broom” was what salves were forced to do when getting married. They were allowed the traditional wedding ceremony. It was funny and sad, but didn’t have any car chases. That’s about the only thing it was missing. I recommend it highly.

Something Borrowed starred Kate Hudson, Ginnifer Goodwyn, Goldie Hawn’s daughter Kate Hudson, Colin Egglesfield, John Krasinski (from The Office), Steve Howey from Reba (though I did not recognize him), Jill Eikenberry had a bit part in the movie – she has really aged since I last saw her.

WARNING: If you go see this movie, do not leave when the credits start. After a few minutes, there is a short clip that ends with the words: “To Be Continued…”

The preview of the newest and last Harry Potter movie was incredible. I can’t wait until July 15th – well, I can; I just don’t want to.

Today I finished the book The Burnt House – an excellent novel.

Until next time…

Monday, May 9, 2011

Another Uneventful Day

Today was rather uneventful. I visited my cousin for a couple of hours and then went to the library where I took out 5 books. I’m almost through the first one (The Burnt Home by Faye Kellerman) so I guess you can tell what I’ve been doing most of the day. I didn’t think I’d ever read anything by her before, but I have read Moon Music. I have no idea what it’s about or whether I liked it, but The Burnt House is a very well-written novel with lots of twists and turns – just what I like.

Keep Arizona (and the USA) Safe

As you all know, Arizona has been trying to stop illegal immigration. They have now determined (since they can’t get any cooperation from the federal government), that they will build their own fence.

You can see info about it, including how they expect to pay for it and what they want to accomplish, at:


If you would like to contribute to the cause, the link to follow is:


Be sure to read some of the comments. They have some great suggestions for how to build it to be most effective in keeping people out.

Until next time…

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Did I Ever Sleep!

Last night after I finished my blog, I went to bed – it was still light out – and went right to sleep. Aside from getting up a couple of times to brave my bathroom floor, I slept until 9:10 this morning. Was I ever tired!

Today, I finished Mrs. Jeffries Forges Ahead, spent a little time with my cousin Richard, then went to Publix.

That was the extent of my day. I’m now reading Sixkill by whoever is writing under the name Robert B. Parker.

Well, it’ll be dark in a little while. Time for some reading in bed.

Until next time…

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Almost Completely Sleepless Night

Last night, I probably got a total of 1 hour of sleep. This morning I did my laundry, then my cousin Richard and I went to Esther’s for the party. We had the most delicious steak, hamburgers, corn on the cob, green bean casserole, Greek Salad and chips. Later we had some cake. Had a wonderful time.

I know it’s only 7 pm, but I’m heading for bed.

Until next time…

Friday, May 6, 2011


Today, I had the privilege of seeing the movie Thor, starring Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman and Anthony Hopkins. There were a lot of other cast members, but I didn’t recognize any of them.

Anthony Hopkins played Odin, Thor’s father. Chris Hemsworth played Thor and Natalie Portman played a citizen of Earth. It was an intriguing story, taking place in the “heavenly realms” and on earth, showing Thor maturing. It was an hour and 54 minutes long, but seemed like it was over before you knew it. (Hint: don’t drink a large Coke Zero while watching.)

After the movie, I went to Sam’s and got JUST the two things I went in for. Believe me, that is a first for me, but I have no room and kept telling myself that.

Lunch was a salad and chicken wings from Anthony’s Coal-Fired Pizza. It was delicious as always and I had enough for dinner tonight and some left over for a midnight (probably more like 9:30 pm snack since I go to bed so early).

I spent a quiet afternoon reading. I’m still working on Veil of Night by Linda Howard. I’m anxious to finish it because I downloaded a new Robert B. Parker (written by someone else, but in his style, I guess) novel (Sixkill) and a Mrs. Jeffries Forges Ahead book to my Kindle. I don’t know which I’ll start first, but probably the Mrs. Jeffries book, since I can read it very quickly.

Tomorrow, my cousin Richard and I are going to my sister-in-law Esther’s for lunch with her and my nephew Steven and my niece Jane and her family.

Until next time…

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Truck Service And Other Terribly Interesting Activities

This morning, after stopping at Denny’s to celebrate Baconalia (yum yum), I took my truck to Jarrett-Scott Ford for an oil change and to have them check it over. I like to do that if I take a long trip like the one I took to Georgia. 

Well, I also finished the book Whisper of Evil by Kay Hooper. I am currently reading Veil of Night by Linda Howard. Both are very good books – mysteries – my favorite – and library books – the cheapest way to read.

I also watched some TV shows on my computer, including NCIS, NCIS LA and Fairly Legal.

In honor of Mother’s Day, I changed my Facebook profile picture to one of my mother as a young lady. What a beautiful lady she was her whole life. It was hard to pick the right photo.

I’ve been checking out the travel trailer inventory at a number of camper stores. I am going to try to find something a little larger, or at least more practical (and one where I don’t have to worry about crashing through the bathroom floor). :)

That’s about the extent of my very exciting day.

Until next time…

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Hoodwinked Too and Prom

Yesterday, I went to AMC and saw a couple of new movies: Hoodwinked Too and Prom, but my post yesterday was so long, I waited til today to talk about it. Both were entertaining movies.

Hoodwinked Too was a cartoon movie with a kind of silly plot, but the excellent actors they used for voices more than made up for it. Hayden Panettiere was Red Riding Hood, Glenn Close was her grandmother and Patrick Warburton was the Big Bad Wolf. Cheech and Chong played two of the very evil three little pigs. Joan Cusack, David Ogden Stiers, Martin Short, Brad Garrett, Andy Dick, and David Alan Grier provided some of the other characters.

Prom was a pretty good movie about the drama surrounding “The Prom.” The only person in it whose name I knew was Faith Ford. She was in the movie for about 2 minutes.


Did you all see the video of the alligator trying to fight with a sheriff’s cruiser? Check it out at:


Illinois Carp Hunters – A New Way to Fish

This video is hilarious. I can’t believe the number of fish that jump out of the water.


Problems with Internet Connection

Since I’ve been having so many problems with my internet connection, I’ll publish this when I can.

Until next time…

Allen West for President (for May 3, 2011)

Have you heard about, or better yet, heard Allen West? He is a recently elected Congressional Representative from Florida, former military (Lt Col Army Retired) and solid, straight-shooting, small-government conservative. Check out www.allenwestnation.com, a site devoted to getting Allen West elected.

If you get a chance to hear him speak, I think you might just be convinced that he should be the next President of the USA.

Ted Nugent fans can hear him talk about Allen West at http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/TedNugent-BarackObama-NRAConvention/2011/05/01/id/394698?utm_source=twitter

There’s an article from the Florida Center for Investigative Reporting that seems to criticize West for the following:

“He attacked multiculturalism. He attacked gay marriage. He advocated cutting the Environmental Protection Agency. He blamed the financial crisis not on the lack of oversight of financial institutions, but rather, on government not “getting out of the way of the private sector.” He demanded that the corporate tax be cut from 35 to 20 percent and to do completely away with capital gains taxes. (The author of this article seemed to think this was a bad thing.)

He quoted dozens of brilliant people — often out of context. And he gave a stirring recitation of his life, reverently referring to himself in the third person.

“He went off to serve his country,” West said of himself, “… and he stood on the wall to tell his country, ‘Sleep peacefully at night because this man stands ready to do the violence and to do the things that are necessary to protect you.’ ”

West conveniently left out the part that the man standing on the wall was willing to do violence that violated military law.

In 2003, in connection with the beating and intimidation of an Iraqi civilian, West was charged with assault and violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice. He could have received a court martial and a dishonorable discharge. Instead, he received an administrative Article 32 hearing and was fined $5,000 for misconduct and assault.

But hey, that’s political editing, I suppose.

If only his outrageousness had ended with far-right principles and third-person self-aggrandizement.”

You can see the entire article and decide for yourself at:


You can see more about him at:


You can watch some of his speeches at:

From that video you can jump to others about West, including one about illegal immigration.


Even though John Brennan, Obama’s top counter-terrorism adviser, told the press that bin Laden used his wife as a human shield, apparently the expert had it wrong. Another White House spokesman reported that bin Laden did not use anyone as a human shield and the woman referred to was not his wife. She was not killed, just injured.

Who knows what the truth is?

Until next time…

Monday, May 2, 2011

Evil Personified Is Dead

Yeah! They finally got him. Our superb military in the form of Navy Seals have shot and killed the coward Osama Bin Laden as he was hiding behind his wife. What a great day for the USA.

i woke up to the news of his demise, had breakfast then went up to my cousin’s to wait with him for the mail. We’ve been waiting for months for our other cousin’s estate to settle and have been told that these letters we had to sign before a notary would finally bring everything to a close.

After the mail came and we took care of the notarizing and mailing, he went on to Zephyrhills to the doctor and I went to the Thonotosassa post office to mail some packages, to the library to pick up the book that was on hold for me and to the grocery store to pick up the stuff for my BUYcott. Yes, i now have Johnsonville Brats, Johnsonville Sweet Italian Sausage, Johnsonville Hot Italian Sausage, Angel Soft Toilet Paper, and a 12-pack of Coors Beer. I hope you will all join me in my BUYcott to help counteract the union’s boycott of those companies.

The book I picked up by Brad Thor is called The Last Patriot. Unfortunately, it is part of a series and precedes some of the others I have read in that series. It will still be a great book. I hope the others I have ordered come soon. I doubt this one will last more than a day or two.

Tomorrow is Tuesday ($6 movies all day at AMC) and I will probably take in a couple.

My nephew Steve had a birthday today. He’s the great guitar player for the 80’s band Rubix Cubed. Mark and I spent a lot of time with him and his sister Dawn when they were growing up. He has turned into a fine young man. I’m so proud of him.

Well, it’s 7:33 and almost my bed time.

Until next time…

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Finally, Pizza

Yesterday, I had my heart set on introducing my sister-in-law Esther, my niece Jane and her husband David and their two boys to Olde Towne Pizza. Instead, we filled up at the Blueberry Festival.

Well, today, my cousin Richard and I went to Olde Town and had our pizza, strawberry and walnut salad and corn fritters. It was just as good as I expected.

After I got home this afternoon, I watched the DVD Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - an excellent film, but it leaves you hanging – waiting for part 2. How different was the character played by Helena Bonham Carter from her character in The King’s Speech. In Harry Potter, she plays Beatrix LaStrange, one of the most evil people it has been my privilege to see. In The King’s Speech, she plays the Queen Mother (Elizabeth II’s mother), a woman of impeccable character and caring.

I just finished Miss Julia Renews Her Vows and am looking forward to getting one of the books I’ve put on hold at the library. I think the one that came in already is a Brad Thor book, but don’t remember which one.

Well, it’s almost 7pm and nearly my bedtime, so I’ll post this.

Until next time…