Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Allen West for President (for May 3, 2011)

Have you heard about, or better yet, heard Allen West? He is a recently elected Congressional Representative from Florida, former military (Lt Col Army Retired) and solid, straight-shooting, small-government conservative. Check out, a site devoted to getting Allen West elected.

If you get a chance to hear him speak, I think you might just be convinced that he should be the next President of the USA.

Ted Nugent fans can hear him talk about Allen West at

There’s an article from the Florida Center for Investigative Reporting that seems to criticize West for the following:

“He attacked multiculturalism. He attacked gay marriage. He advocated cutting the Environmental Protection Agency. He blamed the financial crisis not on the lack of oversight of financial institutions, but rather, on government not “getting out of the way of the private sector.” He demanded that the corporate tax be cut from 35 to 20 percent and to do completely away with capital gains taxes. (The author of this article seemed to think this was a bad thing.)

He quoted dozens of brilliant people — often out of context. And he gave a stirring recitation of his life, reverently referring to himself in the third person.

“He went off to serve his country,” West said of himself, “… and he stood on the wall to tell his country, ‘Sleep peacefully at night because this man stands ready to do the violence and to do the things that are necessary to protect you.’ ”

West conveniently left out the part that the man standing on the wall was willing to do violence that violated military law.

In 2003, in connection with the beating and intimidation of an Iraqi civilian, West was charged with assault and violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice. He could have received a court martial and a dishonorable discharge. Instead, he received an administrative Article 32 hearing and was fined $5,000 for misconduct and assault.

But hey, that’s political editing, I suppose.

If only his outrageousness had ended with far-right principles and third-person self-aggrandizement.”

You can see the entire article and decide for yourself at:

You can see more about him at:

You can watch some of his speeches at:

From that video you can jump to others about West, including one about illegal immigration.


Even though John Brennan, Obama’s top counter-terrorism adviser, told the press that bin Laden used his wife as a human shield, apparently the expert had it wrong. Another White House spokesman reported that bin Laden did not use anyone as a human shield and the woman referred to was not his wife. She was not killed, just injured.

Who knows what the truth is?

Until next time…

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