Monday, August 16, 2010

Another Productive Day

Wow, it’s amazing what you can get done if you just do it.

Today, I started out by posting 1/2 of a shelf of VHS tapes on eBay. I did the others after dinner.

Thinking it would be cooler before 9 am, I went outside and picked up the wood left over from my ramp. I stored them on my front porch, but will throw them away once the park brings in the dumpster used for that purpose. I also pulled the weeds and plants around my bird feeder. I wish I had thought to take before and after pictures, but I didn’t.

The next outdoor thing I’ll probably do, depending on the weather, is to gather my gardening pots and clean them up. One of Richard’s friends is an avid gardener and can use these pots. Once I get them cleaned up, I’ll probably visit my cousin and drop them off. This will give me a good excuse to have lunch at the English pub over on Pasadena Street in St. Pete.

I also had to get 4 items ready to ship and take them to the post office. I did this after I went to AMC Regency 20 to see Dinner with Schmucks. I was very afraid this would be a movie for schmucks, mainly me, but was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I doubt the movie would have been as good as it was had it not been for the talent of Steve Carell.

After I got home from the movies, I decided to start going through the stuff in Mom’s bathroom. As you can see, she had THREE cabinets filled with a variety of items. There were a number of expired non-prescription drugs, which I threw out. I probably threw out 3/4 of what you see here.Moms Bathroom_1068  

The following picture shows that she also had a bunch of stuff in her bathroom closet.

Moms Bathroom_1073

What you see here is what I kept. Tomorrow I plan to add all of the stuff from my bathroom that I don’t throw out. You will probably notice there are multiple containers of Vaselilne, body lotion, shampoo, and hydrogen peroxide.

  Moms Bathroom_1075

Mom also had some little knick knacks that she’s had for years and years. This man and woman are on their way to the outhouse (which I cannot find). The moon (in the front) hung over the outhouse. Mom made these at her ceramics class – probably sometime in the 1970’s when she and Aunt Lana and little Ethelyn used to do ceramics.

Moms Bathroom_1071

For the last few decades, she also had these fish with the bubbles hanging in her bathroom. I know she had them when she lived on Taylor Street in Gang Mills, but I don’t remember them from when we lived on Beartown Rd. Aren’t they cute?

Moms Bathroom_1069

I’ll be packing these figures up and sending them to family since they won’t fit in my camper.

Remember my surprise and sorrow at Lewis and Clark giving one of their Corp of Discovery 100 lashes? Well, during my reading last night, I found a place where they talked about one guy that got 400 (yes, FOUR HUNDRED) lashes for falling asleep during guard duty. But, not to be cruel or inhumane, they gave these lashes over a four-day period. Wow!

Until next time…

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