Sunday, August 22, 2010

Charlie St. Cloud – A Movie Worth Seeing

Today, Karen and I went to see Charlie St. Cloud, a movie starring Zac Efron with a cameo appearance by Kim Basinger. This movie meets my three important criteria: it made me laugh, it made me cry, and it entertained me. I won’t spoil the show by telling you what happens, but if you get a chance, go see it if for no other reason than the scenery. There are some really beautiful panoramic views of the Puget Sound.

After eating at Anthony’s, I came home and tried to take a nap – to no avail. So, I got up and started putting out some more books on eBay. I have only one more bookshelf of Mom’s books to do and all of her books will be done. I had to throw away a couple today because someone (I think we know who) tore pages out of the books.

I am currently watching a PBS special on Niagara Falls. Did you know that 1/5 of the fresh water IN THE WORLD flows over Niagara Falls? Wow! It’s certainly one of my favorite places in this country. I’m just sorry I didn’t make it up there while I was in New York. After all, I did get my passport so I could go there.

Next time I’m in New York, I hope to visit there. One of my favorite Italian restaurants is on the Canadian side: Mama Mia’s, where they make their own pasta. At least it was there the last time I was there. Who knows now?

Can you believe people used to go over the falls in barrels … deliberately? Nothing I would ever do!

Until next time…

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