Today, the most exciting thing I did was to make a long, long trip from my driveway to the dumpster… and back. Normally, I would walk or use my tricycle, but it was so hot today and I had FIVE bags of garbage, so I decided to use the truck. Aren’t you jealous that you couldn’t ride along with me? We could have listened to the title, author and name of the person reading a book on tape. Or, we could have listened to a radio ad. Just know that I would have loved to have any of you who read this post tag along with me.
Now, five bags of garbage gives you a little idea of how I spent some of my day – straightening up and cleaning – my most favorite activities :).
I did open my eBay store this morning and have already sold 3 books. Only 3 million more to go (a little hyperbole there to make my point). I think these books are reproducing. I know I have more than I did when I left: my brother Ray gave me a pile to sell and my sister-in-law Joyce gave me a big box of them also.
I did get my scanner hooked back up so I can start scanning the book covers before putting them out on eBay. I may start that tomorrow, depending on what else I’m doing.
I also spent a lot of my day thinking of and praying for those involved in laying Floyd Conklin to rest. I don’t care how old you are; losing a parent is tough. I don’t know how people who don’t have faith can stand it. For those of us who trust in Christ, we can see the true picture: our loved ones are now at rest in Jesus’ arms, safe from worry, sickness, pain, and hurt. We are the ones who suffer the loss.
As Colossians 1:13, 14 says, “For He delivered us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, even the forgiveness of sins.” You can’t beat that.
Until next time…
Floyd Conklin's funeral was a celebration of a life well lived. The service was well attended and his body was buried beside Mary's. They will rise before those who are still alive at the rapture!