Monday, August 23, 2010

Lots Done; Lots Still To Do

Up at 4:00 am and started my laundry; had it done by 7:30. I was glad to get that out of the way.

It took quite a bit of time to wrap up 7 different eBay items. Then, I had to take them to the post office, along with a box for my brother Jeff and his wife Kathy.

Before it began raining, I cleaned out my bird feeder.

After I got home I decided to tackle the last shelf of Mom’s books. Thankfully, that takes care of that.

I’ve been steadily working on that mess of stuff in Mom’s bathroom. This afternoon, I tackled some of the duplicates.

Can you think of any reason anyone would have so many nail clippers and manicure sets? I decided to keep the small set on the top left, since it has everything I need and won’t take up much space in my camera, but what on earth will I do with the rest? I hate to throw it all out. I don’t know if Good Will would accept something so personal.

Manicure Set 1

The next thing I tackled was the first aid supplies. Check this out:

First Aid Stuff 1I ended up combining most of the band-aids into the biggest box. I kept a couple of things to put in the medicine cabinet and stored the rest of the stuff in a plastic box which I will put in the camper.

I’ve been reading off and on today and now I’m watching The Closer. Gotta run!

Until next time…

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