This morning, after going to Publix for a few groceries (when I got home my eggs fell out of truck – 3 survived), I got on Facebook and watched the 8/28 Restoring Honor rally in Washington, DC. Eventually, there were 130,363 people watching it on Facebook to say nothing of the hundreds of thousands watching live and who knows how many watching on C-SPAN. I hope you all had a chance to watch.
It was a stirring rally and let everyone know that those of us concerned for our country are not alone. There was a mixture of singing and speeches, including Amazing Grace on the bagpipes. Glenn told the story of slave boat captain John Newton who eventually realized what he was doing and turned to God – he was the fellow who wrote Amazing Grace.
Sarah Palin was there as a mother of someone serving in the military. She introduced three heroes who suffered great loss in service of their country. She gave a stirring tribute to those who put their lives on the line for their country and for out freedom.
Dr. Martin Luther King’s niece, Alveda King, introduced a number of singers and speakers and gave a great speech, talking about the dreams she has. She emphasized King’s call to look at people not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
Glenn instituted Medals of Merit for Faith, Hope and Charity, based on the Badges of Merit that George Washington started and which eventually became the Purple Heart.
The Faith badge was given to C.L. Jackson, a black pastor who stood at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial on the day 47 years earlier when M.L. King gave his “I Have A Dream” speech.
The Hope badge was given to Albert Pujols (Jose Alberto Pujols Alcantara), an unapologetic Christian and baseball player for the St. Louis Cardinals. Besides his work in the community through the Pujols family foundation (dedicated to making life better for children and adults with Downs Syndrome), he apparently works tirelessly to make his community better.
The Charity badge was given to John M. Huntsman for his charitable work. He has given away hundreds of millions of dollars throughout his career and has stated his life goal to die broke.
At the end of the rally, after a terrific speech by Glenn, a group of 250+ pastors stood on stage indicating their willingness to be part of the Black Robe Brigade and representing many more in the audience who could not fit on the stage.
I believe, as Glenn does, that the answer to this nation’s problems is spiritual. Pray for our country, pray for our nation’s pastors, pray for our military warriors. May we seek His face and may God forgive us our sins and heal our land.
Until next time…
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