This morning, Karen and I went to see Nanny McPhee Returns. It was a great movie. I laughed, I cried, I was completely entertained. You’ve heard that before, I bet. It’s a delightful film about a mother with three children trying to keep the her husband’s family farm going while her husband is fighting in a war. I can’t imagine anyone not enjoying it.
Right now, I am watching and listening to a wonderful gospel group singing The Battle Hymn of the Republic. This is part of Glenn Beck’s Kennedy Center program called America’s Divine Destiny. I am so fortunate to be a Glenn Beck Insider Extreme member so I can watch this event on-line.
Glenn and his wife Tonia bought out the Kennedy Center and gave away all of the tickets for this event. This evening is a prelude to tomorrow’s Restoring Honor rally to be held at the Lincoln Memorial. I think it would be fair to say that Glenn Beck believes the problems with our country are more spiritual than political, that Faith, Hope, and Charity are the answer, that we must RESTORE HONOR in this country.
If you are interested in watching the Restoring Honor event, I think C-SPAN will be covering it. Or, if you are an Insider Extreme member, you might get to see it on the Internet. Glenn’s Facebook page will be streaming it live.
I think Glenn is looking to found or foster a Black Robe Brigade or Regiment like they had during and before the American Revolution. Did you know the British specifically blamed this Black Robe Brigade for the American Revolution.
I don’t know if Glenn is familiar with David Black, who gives a good explanation of what a Black Robe Brigade/Regiment is, you might want to look at:
Included in Black’s article is a call to pastors to join The Black Robe Brigade
“Pastor friend, will you join this patriotic host? Are you willing to say, “I will fight for the truth. I will be beholden to no one (whether a Democrat, Republican, or Other) except Jesus. I will stand up to the despots who are seeking to enslave us all by sending our children to their deaths as they build their New World Order and as they tax us into poverty. I will seek to bind our politicians with the chains of the Constitution. And I will do this for the glory of God and the advancement of Christian liberty.” Yes, the dues are high (radical obedience), but your treasure in heaven will more than amply repay.”
There were a number of speakers and musicians. Miles McPherson, pastor of one of the largest churches in the country, was one of the best speakers. His church is well-known for working in the community.
Chuck Norris and his wife were there. Chuck called his wife his prayer warrior. He read from George Washington’s First Inaugural Address and his Farewell Address to the nation, from Benjamin Franklin’s call to prayer at the Constitutional Convention when the delegates were at an impasse, and from a speech by Samuel Adams. The words where extremely powerful. Would that we had leaders like this in our government today!
Gloria Copeland spoke about raising the shield of faith for America – II Chronicles 7:14 “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land.” What a promise! Let’s take Him up on it.
Dave Roever, a Viet Nam war veteran and survivor, spoke of Glenn as a voice crying in the wilderness. He used humor to make his point: “Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.” We have to go through the valley of tears to get
A number of black gospel groups sang some inspiring songs and Dove award winner Twila Paris sang a song called “True North.”
Glenn talked about American being at a crossroads and how we are all here for a reason. We need to find out what that reason is. The answer to all of our problems is not politics, does not rest with one person, but with all of us. “Stand where He wants you to stand; do what He wants you to do.”
J.E. McKissic of Cornerstone Church sang God Bless America as well if not better than Kate Smith ever did. Pastor John Hagee spoke some stirring words about soldiers then gave the closing prayer.
We need a Great Awakening in America. Glenn says he thinks it will start tonight. Pray for our troops, for the American people and for the USA. If God is with us, who can stand against us.
Until next time…
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