Friday, September 24, 2010

Is It Still Friday, Sepember 24, 2010?

Just woke up at 1:56 and wondered if I had done my blog for Friday – I had not. In hopes of going back to sleep, I’ll be brief.

  1. I walked
  2. I showered and dressed
  3. I drove to the chiropractor and saw him
  4. I went back home and had breakfast
  5. I got eBay packages ready to send
  6. I took the truck to Jarreett-Scott Ford for an oil change and tire rotation
  7. I went to the post office
  8. I went back home and ate
  9. I did more work on eBay
  10. I read my email
  11. I studied some photography stuff
  12. I watched Medium, CSI: NY, and Blue Bloods  -- enjoyed them all.
  13. I went to bed
  14. I got up and remembered my blog
  15. I wrote and posted my blog
  16. I went to bed

Until next time…

P.S. I hope everything is spelled right. I’m trying not to open my eyes too much so it will be easier to go back to sleep.

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