Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New CPR Technique

From my friend, Tammy :

If you haven't seen this, you should. It may save a life. If you have seen it, it won't hurt to see it again.

This is a new CPR technique which is much simpler.
Please watch and forward to your friends and family.  You never know, the life you save could be your own.


The Town

This morning, I met my friend Joan at AMC theater where we saw the movie The Town. Ben Affleck directed and stars in the movie. Unfortunately, whoever wrote the movie has a very limited vocabulary, mostly words beginning with “f…” Whatever happened to our fine English language, the rich and colorful words that can stir the heart. I think I would have been better off watching the movie without the sound.

I suppose these folks justify their flagrant use of these vulgarities by convincing themselves that this is the way people talk, that it adds realism to the movie. How great it would be to have movies where the plot can stand by itself and doesn’t have to be propped up by foul language.

Sorry for the sermonizing, but it drives me crazy.

Until next time…

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