Monday, September 6, 2010

Thirty-Two Minutes This Morning!

Yep, you read it right – I walked 32 minutes this morning – a record for little old sedentary me. Not only that, but I was walking at a pace that allowed me to almost double my distance in the that time frame. And my knee doesn’t even hurt. I only felt a couple of twinges in one of my shoulders, but it didn’t last.

I had so much eBay work from the weekend that I was busy until about 3:30 taking care of paperwork, including a forgotten sales tax report for the State of Florida, invoice preparation and packaging of the eBay items I sold. Then, after the power came back on – it was out a couple of hours – I worked until 11:40 on more sales stuff. I still have a little more to do, but I AM BEAT! I’ll finish in the morning.

Sorry for the short post. Going to bed now.

Until next time…

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