Wednesday, September 1, 2010 and Lunch with My Cousin

Today I was up at 5 am and had my laundry done and all put away by 9:00. I also got some stuff ready to take to my cousins:

  1. A small cabinet that just barely fit in my truck’s back/front seat area
  2. My mother’s punch bowl and pedestal – it’s older than I am and very heavy, but I don’t know if it’s crystal or not – Dickie’s going to take it to a consignment shop for me
  3. My mother’s costume jewelry – he’s going to take that to the consignment shop too
  4. A wooden hanger for plants

After I dropped off the stuff, I took my cousin to the car shop where his car was – I was glad to save him the cost of a cab, then we went to Quaker Steak and Lube for a great lunch. Boy, do they ever have great onion rings. Since I had had chicken wings last night, I had a very good gyro sandwich and their home-made potato chips.


I hope you all will check out, a new website from Glenn Beck. He’s hired actual journalists and they are uncovering a lot of stories we used to get from the mainstream media. I think this site will become the place where Americans go for the real news.

Glenn doesn’t really have much to do with the content. He doesn’t pretend to be a journalist. You may have to refresh your screen a few times because the site is very busy. There a couple of stories on there right now that will blow you away.

There’s a good mix of audio, video and print.

Check it out, will ya?


I got a slip indicating I had a package at the post office. While there I checked my post office box and found a check. I guess it discombobulated so much that I left the package sitting on a little table by the post office boxes. Needless to say, I didn’t waste any time going back. As Pauline handed it to me, she said some nice gentleman brought it in and gave it to her. What a ditz I am!

I don’t think I can top that story, so good night.

Until next time…

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