Today, I just walked for 31 minutes, went to Publix and then stayed home the rest of the day, mostly just reading.
I didn’t go to the Answers in Genesis conference this evening because the seating at Idlewild aggravates my sore hip and leg and it looked as if there was going to be a huge storm. I really hate driving in the dark and even more so when it’s raining.
Tomorrow, I ‘m calling my chiropractor and making an appointment to have him fix my back. What is interesting is that my neck and shoulders used to keep me awake or wake me up at night. I read somewhere that 1/2 tsp of cinnamon per day would help with inflammation. Since I started ingesting cinnamon on a daily basis, I have had no trouble with my shoulders or neck. I wish it worked on my hip and leg.
This morning, I took an Alleve – it made no difference. About 4:30, I took 3 Ibuprofen. After about an hour, the worst of the pain vanished. Hopefully, once the chiropractor fixes me up, I’ll be pretty much pain free.
Oh, by the way, as of 8/30/2010, I have lost a total of 9 pounds. Eating right and exercising apparently does make a difference.
Until next time.
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