Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Day in Court

Today, after a great night’s sleep, I did a lot of packing until I had to get ready to take a friend down to the Hillsborough County Courthouse. We got there a little early (well, about 2 1/2 hours early – I guess that doesn’t qualify as “a little”). I wasn’t sure about walking the block from the parking garage to the courthouse, but I was able to with the help of my knee brace and cane.

After the courthouse, we stopped at Mimi’s Cafe for a bite to eat – well, several bites – yum! yum!

After I got home, I just read and watched TV until now. Tomorrow I want to spend the day in my bedroom and my bedroom closet so I can finish up those rooms. So much for good intentions – how about that for pessimism?

I’m currently reading Edge of Apocalypse by Tim LaHaye and Craig Parshall. It’s another end of days book, I think, though nothing I’ve read so far seems to indicate that except for the words “End of Days” on the cover. :)

Until next time…

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