Hope everyone had as great a Thanksgiving as we did.
This year, my brother tried Alton Brown’s turkey cooking method complete with brining and starting the turkey at 500 degrees then reducing the heat to 350 degrees after 1/2 hour. Since I cannot eat turkey, I can’t tell you whether it was better or not, but it sure looked good. He did the stuffing in a separate pan since I guess you’re not supposed to stuff a brined bird and Alton Brown thinks stuffing poultry is a real no-no anyway.
As you can see by the following picture, it looks great. Since I carved it, I can attest to the fact that it was not dry at all. It smelled wonderful.
I took a couple of pictures before we started eating. Here is one of my sister-in-law Kathy’s mother with Tobey, one of my brother Ray’s dogs.
I also snapped one of my nephew Greg … and this was before he ate any turkey.
And this is one of my cousin Richard, my brother Ray, and Ray’s wife Margie.
Don’t they look a lot livelier when they’re eating?
And this is part of the group in the main dining area: Kathy’s mother Grace, my nephew Greg, my brother Jeff and my nephew Chris.
And this is my sister-in-law Kathy, her mother and my nephew Greg.
Jeff and Kathy worked all day fixing dinner and it was well worth the effort.
Well, it’s getting late (8:30 pm) and I should probably start thinking about sleeping.
Until next time…
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