Monday, November 15, 2010

A Little Too Much

Last night, I slept very well, got up, enjoyed a 30-minute sauna,  showered and got dressed.

Wearing my knee brace, I worked about 3 hours inside, packing up stuff out of drawers and shelves – mostly standing up. The knee was pretty good until I took a break and took off the brace. Yikes! I’m afraid I overdid it.

Tonight, I hope my knee will recuperate so I can get more done tomorrow before taking my truck in to Best Buy to have my replacement back-up camera installed. The fact that the days are winding down is a terrific incentive to get things done.

Have you heard Glenn Beck’s idea about some ways to cut expenses? My favorite is that Congress (now paid a base salary of $174,000) not be paid anymore than the average salary the military receives (ca $22,000). And, get this: they have to use the military’s health care system. Also, federal workers, who now get an average of $75,000 not be paid more than the average citizen (about $50,000). Aren’t these great ideas?

It should be pointed out that Congress receives a bunch of money besides the base salary of $174,000.

And don’t even bring up their outrageous pensions!

Well, I think I’ll hit the hay a little early tonight, but who knows. I finished the book A Skeleton in God’s Closet and have now begun More than A Skeleton. They really make you think and they are hard to put down.

Until next time…

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