Today, I packed and loaded 10 boxes of stuff for Goodwill. To be truthful, some of it had already been packed. There were two boxes of photo albums and picture frames, many of which had to be emptied first before packing them.
When Karen and I got to Goodwill, it was to find that everyone else in the world must have had the same idea. All of their bins were filled to overflowing. Isn’t it wonderful that people are so giving, especially at this time of year when many people will rely on what they can get at Goodwill to make the holidays special for their children and families.
I also packed a bin with t-shirts I haven’t been wearing but which I need to take out to the camper. I never realized, even seeing them in the closet, that I had so many – there must be 50 besides the ones I regularly wear and besides the 10 or so already in the camper. I shouldn’t ever have to buy another t-shirt. I haven’t even started on the shorts, but there aren’t so many of them. Of course, with my track record at estimating numbers, I could be wrong.
I’m currently watching Eloise at Christmas Time I taped on the Hallmark Channel last night. The only reason I taped it was because Sofia Vassilieval from Medium plays Eloise. Well, and Julie Andrews is also in it.
In the movie, Sofiea plays a girl who is about 6 years old. On Medium, she played a teenager who, over the course of the years the show has been on, has grown into a college student. Of course, once I started watching, I couldn’t stop. It’s a great story and Sofia plays the very precocious Eloise perfectly. Hallmark has such great movies at this time of year. I’ve been taping a few since I can then watch them while fast-forwarding through the commercials.
I’m rather tired and will probably go to bed early tonight.
Until next time…
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