Friday, December 10, 2010

A Short Post

Tonight, it’s going to be a short post. I am exhausted. Up at 6 am, I had about 10 boxes of stuff packed and over to Goodwill by 11 am. I also packed up a lot of stuff I’m keeping – much more than will fit in my camper. I guess I’ll have to get a storage facility, at least for now.

When I got back from Goodwill, I had to take some time out for a very important nap then I had to take a scanner and printer/scanner/fax/copier over to my sister-in-law Esther’s. She needed it as soon as possible.

I then worked steadily until just a short time ago – it’s now 9:25 pm and time to hit the hay. I’m sure I’ll be getting up early again tomorrow to start over again.

Until next time…

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