Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Real Snowfall

Last night, I mentioned it had started snowing here. Well, we got at least two inches. The pictures really say it better than I can:

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The lights across the street suffered from the low light and my moving hands, but I thought it turned out quite pretty.

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These are from up the street and across the way.

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My pretty red truck is all covered in snow.

 Christmas 2010_0020Here, my brother Jeff stands in the snow watching his wife roll a big snowball for a snowman.

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My nephew Greg used the snow from on top of his car to make a small snowman.

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My sister Kathy rolled the snow balls for the snowman.


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Today, I took some more pictures, including one of the snowman. His arms consist of Penn State pennants.


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What a cold, snowy, windy day!

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The back yard and deck are still covered with snow.

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The turkey is still brining here, but Jeff cooked it this afternoon. I wish I could tell you how good it was, but I’m allergic to turkey and avoid it.

Keep warm and cozy wherever you are.

Until next time…   

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